MGate Modbus gateways

In industrial applications, the most common protocol conversion is Modbus-RTU-to-Modbus-TCP conversion, and it is usually required when legacy devices such as meters, mostly using Modbus RTU, need to be integrated with SCADA systems, mostly using Modbus TCP. For engineers, it is essential to find a solution that simplifies this complex Modbus protocol conversion to ensure a smooth operation daily. Our MGate MB3000 Series Modbus gateways not only feature the MGate Manager tool that makes configuration and troubleshooting fast and easy, but they also support active polling to speed up SCADA performance, providing an easy solution for Modbus-RTU-to-Modbus-TCP conversion.

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H-1138 Budapest,
Dunavirág utca 2–6. I. torony 4. em. (Gateway Office Park)
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